Pam Anderson

Administration Officer

Pam Anderson cropped

Administration Officer with Anabranch Water since 2010, Pam came to the organization from the Department of Human Services, and with the commissioning of the pipeline just completed, she found herself immediately immersed in the ‘deep end’.

“I was learning on the job! – The pipeline had just been developed and all of the water supply agreements had to be chased up. We also had an office move to where it currently is, so everything was just in a pile of boxes – that turned out to be a good things because I went though every box and read through all of the notes, it was a great way to get up to speed and I knew where everything was and how to find it”

Originally a farm girl, Pam has a real affinity with the land managers and can fully understand their perspectives. She knows that regular office hours aren’t necessarily the best time for farmers, and so makes herself available at all times.

“Dad had Montana Station out near Arumpo so I know ‘Outback’ and how farmers operate. When I heard the working hours were 8am to 12:30 I said ‘that’s not going to suit a farmer – how about you just have my number and call me when you need me’ so that’s how I operate.”

Pam lives with her husband on their small acreage and in addition to working for Anabranch Water, they run a small exporting business. They are hoping to build a new home on their block and sub- divide one day, but she won’t be going anywhere soon.

“I can’t see myself going anywhere else. Everyone knows they can ring me, and I stay across everything that’s happening, so I can usually help people with what they need. It’s a good job and it suits me.”