Hayden Cullinan

Board Member


Hayden is the newest member of the Anabranch Board joining early in 2022.

“I’m still learning the ropes – don’t think you ever get your head around all of it, it’s a lot more than just managing the pipeline. I’m still new so they haven’t given me too many jobs yet, so that’s good”

Hayden’s property, Nindethana is midway up the Anabranch at the bottom end of the lake system, where 700 acres of Nitchie Lake is cropped through a share-farming arrangement, with the bulk of the 38,000 acres utilised for their self-replacing Dorper operation.

“My family property was Trelega in the Darling area, and we bought Nindethana back in 1997. The Cullinan’s came out to Western NSW in 1888.”

Hayden divides his time between the property and a house in Wentworth which is a useful base for the family.

“It’s handy to have a place in town, especially while the girls are at school, but Nindethana is home.”